Sunday 1 January 2012

Ian Fleming

Fleming sports a distinctive turn-back cuff.

Although Dr. No's director, Terence Young, is credited more than anyone else in creating the screen Bond's sense of style, equal credit should be given to Ian Fleming, author and creator of James Bond, from whom he took the cues.

Fleming used himself as a role model for many of Bond's habits, attitudes and tastes, so it was only natural that this should have extended to his choice in clothing.

Fleming's wardrobe was more varied than that of his hero; he chose grey worsteds, navy blue serge-cloths and pin-stripes, in two or three-piece combinations, both double and single-breasted. Stylish details such as turn-back cuffs were also frequently in evidence. But in all this variety, there was an important common link: the weight.

Up until this period, men's suits in Britain tended towards very heavy materials, but owing to his time spent in Jamaica, Fleming developed a preference for unusually lightweight cloths.

This predilection for lighter fabrics, tailored with a soft but durable construction, was adopted by Bond, who needed a "go anywhere / do anything" wardrobe to meet his demands for travel and action.

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